Change log

New updates and product improvements

Q2 2024
Error Codes

You can now resolve transfer errors faster with contextual error codes.


You can now incorporate Databricks’ Unity Catalog functionality when you send data to Databricks destinations.

Q1 2024
React SDK

We have made a number of updates to the React SDK including:

  • Third-party identification is now standardized using recipient_id.
  • useDestinationForm now accepts an options parameter that allows you to set any number of the optional parameters without worrying about parameter order.
  • useDestinationVendors now returns a list of all available destination vendors for the deployment, complete with display names and logos.
  • useGetTransfers now returns a list of Transfer objects rather than the full API response object.
  • useModelConfigs has been deprecated in favor of useModels, with updated return types.
  • FetchAuthTokenWithDestination has been renamed to FetchAuthTokenWithPreparedDestination
  • FormField type has been expanded to include div form elements and number input types.
  • useDestination hook now supports Partial inputs so you don't need to wrap setDestination in setDestinationField as suggested in the React Example app.

You can now send data to SFTP.

H2 2023

You can now send data to Azure Blob Storage, Cloudflare R2, SQL Server, and Google Sheets.


You can now sync and refresh on a per-destination basis.


You can now split large transfers into smaller chunks.


You can now write optimized source queries to reduce costs.

H1 2023
Connection Modalities

You can now connect to a source or destination using Role-based access control (RBAC).


You can now assign multiple products to a single destination.


You can now use webhooks to send notifications to Slack, PagerDuty, and more.


See how we can help you launch data sharing today.