Case Study

How Postscript powers data exports

Learn how the popular messaging service launched a fully-featured data sharing product in just one week using Prequel’s Data Sharing platform.
The Challenge

Building a data sharing feature to support all Postscript customers

Postscript is a core marketing tool for the brands they support, ranging from small brands to large enterprises. These brands need access to their customer data to analyze and understand their subscribers, and the Postscript team began working on a manual version of data sharing to give customer's access.

“Our customers trust us with their marketing data, and we have a strong standpoint that it is their data, and they should have access. With Prequel, we were able to productize data sharing and become a leading data provider. Others don't do this.”
- Allen Cunningham, Data Engineering Lead

Postscript is a core marketing tool for the brands they support, ranging from small brands to large enterprises. These brands need access to their customer data to analyze and understand their subscribers, and the Postscript team began working on a manual version of data sharing to give customer's access.

“At Postscript, we identified the need to share data with our customers 8-9 months before finding Prequel. The initial version was basic functionality to unload CSV/Parquet files to customers' cloud environments (e.g., S3).”

“The first iteration was hacked together. Everything was custom, and everything had to be managed.”

The Solution

Using Prequel to power a fully-featured Data Sharing experience

After evaluating the option to build this feature in house, Postscript chose Prequel to instantly launch the company's fully-featured data sharing product.

“We wanted to launch this data product and offer it to our customers. I've seen so many data products/platforms that promise a lot, but when it comes to implementation, it's a lot more lift than what was described. With Prequel, we can focus on iteration and ideation and not worry about functionality.”

“I think we spent a total of 7 hours in one day to get Prequel up and running. It was a 24 hour turnaround from onboarding to sending data to our first data destination.”

Since then, Prequel has powered the company's high volume data sharing product as more Postscript customers using various destinations continue to sign up.

“Prequel solved the issues we could foresee and solves the future issues we anticipated. Prequel handles our largest shops and to see all the data that is successfully synced is just fantastic.”

The Impact

Reliable and scalable data sharing for all customers – launched in hours

Previously, the Postscript team had considered building data sharing in house, and to a limited set of destinations. With Prequel, the Postscript data sharing product supports all customer destinations and requires less than one person's time to maintain.

“We wanted to launch this data product and offer it to our customers. I've seen so many data products/platforms that promise a lot, but when it comes to implementation, it's a lot more lift than what was described. With Prequel, we can focus on iteration and ideation and not worry about functionality.”

“I feel like we've evolved what our offering is alongside Prequel. We had a basic rollout and we've started providing optional products. Now we're opening up to more and more organizations, and moving as much of our analytical workload to Prequel as possible. Prequel has been a fantastic partner to work alongside."

As of today, Postscript is syncing millions of rows of data per day per connected customer. With the upcoming rollout of the self-serve onboarding using Prequel's React SDK, Postscript plans to expand their data sharing product even further alongside Prequel.

Postscript helps ecommerce brands design and operate SMS programs that keep users engaged and happy while driving substantial new revenue.
Headcount savings
Deployment time
Rows replicated per month
“We were about to staff 2-4 engineers on data-sharing full time. And then we found Prequel.”
Allen Cunningham headshot - PostScript
Allen Cunningham
Data Engineering Lead

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