Why SaaS platforms should add data export

Charles Cretien headshot - Prequel
Charles Chretien

Like most product teams, you’ve got a long backlog of feature requests, and data export is just one of them. So, where should it rank? Here are some reasons our customers have moved data export to the top of their lists.

1. You want to give customers better data access—and spend less time providing it.

Dashboards and CSV downloads don’t always cut it. Your customers need direct access to their data for analysis and reporting. Third-party tools like Fivetran and Airbyte promise to help, but they move data too slowly, and your team ends up fielding the support requests. 

With data export, your customers get instant access to all the data they need right in the data platform they already use. Your team can set it up in as little as one day, and your customers can sign up in a few clicks. 

2. You want to add revenue.

Many enterprises are willing to pay for access to their data—sometimes up to 30% of ACV (Annual Contract Value). If you don’t believe us, just look at how much companies spend onboarding data with third-party tools. 

Let’s say a company has 20 million customer records that they want to sync. According to Fivetran’s public pricing, that would cost over $125,000 per year. Many SaaS platforms ask themselves: Why would we hand that revenue over to a third party, especially when our customers aren’t getting a good experience and we end up providing the support?

3. You want to close deals faster.

Deals get stuck at the finish line when platforms don’t offer the data warehouse connectors that enterprises need. With Prequel, platforms can offer connectors to every major data warehouse, database, and object storage service. And platforms can set Prequel up in less time than it takes to scope one custom integration.

4. You want accounts to expand.

When data starts flowing through to your customers’ data platforms, a surprising thing usually happens — new personas start engaging with your data and your platform, opening doors to expansion opportunities across the organization.

Are these goals that are important to you or your business? If so, let’s talk.

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